duckDNA is a community science initiative launched by Ducks Unlimited and the University of Texas at El Paso that will engage waterfowl hunters in collecting scientific information on issues affecting North America’s wild ducks. The 2024–25 hunting season is the second year of the project. Its continuation in future years will depend on the level of interest shown by hunters. Thanks to our generous supporters, participation in duckDNA is entirely free of charge.
Recent science has shown that an alarming percentage of presumed wild mallards result from hybridization with game-farm (released) mallards. Ongoing studies suggest wild x game-farm mallard hybrids may be poorly adapted to natural habitats.
This project will help determine how prevalent this issue is and whether it is spreading across North America. Data collected through duckDNA will also enable scientists to study how genetics may influence waterfowl behavior, migration, habitat use, breeding site origins, and much more.
During the 2024–25 hunting season, we will select up to 700 hunters to participate. Each hunter will be asked to collect a tissue sample for genetic analysis from 3 harvested ducks, providing genetic data from up to 2,100 ducks.
Hunters interested in participating should sign up via the "Apply Today" button to be entered into a drawing that will determine this year’s group of participants. If selected, hunters will receive an e-mail instructing them to create a personalized duckDNA account, after which they will be mailed an all-inclusive kit for sample collection.
Groups of participants will be randomly selected periodically during the hunting season, with the first 100 selected in early September. Others will be selected at the beginning and end of each month, concluding with a final drawing in early December.
Hunters that harvest apparent hybrids or other unique waterfowl may also participate in duckDNA, even if not selected as a regular participant, by contacting and requesting a single-vial hybrid kit.
Participating hunters will be asked to collect a small piece of tissue from 3 harvested ducks, preferably a piece of the tongue, and answer a few simple questions for each sampled duck through their online duckDNA account. Hunters are also encouraged to provide photographs of their sampled ducks for use in additional studies of waterfowl hybridization. Hunters will return tissue samples via pre-paid postage included with the kit.
After analysis, duckDNA participants will receive a “Certificate of Pedigree” for each submitted sample. The certificate will report their duck's genetic composition, parentage, and other cool scientific insights!
At this time, we are focusing on mallards, other mallard-like ducks (i.e., American black duck, Mexican duck, and mottled duck), and presumed hybrids. However, other interesting ducks will be accepted. Learn more about our duckDNA Sample Collection Instructions.
Thanks to your overwhelming support, our 2024-25 season was an incredible success. At this time, our application portal is closed, but we anticipate reopening by August. Stay informed of the latest updates and future opportunities by providing your email address and following us on Instagram and Facebook.
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