Exciting news from Ducks Unlimited! Out of 4,200 applicants from 49 states, we selected 309 participants from 47 states for our duckDNA pilot project. With 721 samples submitted, we're thrilled by the enthusiasm and dedication shown by our participants. Let's look at what we discovered for our duckDNA pilot project during the 2023-24 hunting season!
Atlantic - 52
Mississippi - 108
Central - 64
Pacific - 42
Atlantic - 84
Mississippi - 369
Central - 108
Pacific - 64
Unknown - 96 (submitted without harvest location)
A unique outcome of the duckDNA project was the ability to confirm the genetic ancestry of hybrid ducks. Across all 721 samples, including those submitted specifically for hybrid testing, we documented 19 different hybrid combinations! Particularly exciting was learning that for all Mallard × Gadwall hybrids, commonly known as Brewer’s ducks, mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that these were the result of breeding between male gadwall and female mallards! It was previously assumed that male mallards were the most likely source of mallard genes in these hybrids. Here is the complete list of hybrids detected during the 2023-24 season.
Wild Mallard x Game-Farm Mallard
Wild Mallard x American Black Duck
Wild Mallard x American Wigeon
Wild Mallard x Gadwall
Wild Mallard x Wood Duck
West Gulf Coast Mottled Duck x Game-Farm Mallard
Domestic Goose x Canada Goose
Florida Mottled Duck x Wild Mallard
Florida Mottled Duck x Game-Farm Mallard
Florida Mottled Duck x West Gulf Coast Mottled Duck
Game-Farm Mallard x Domestic Duck
Muscovy x Wild Mallard
Muscovy x Wood Duck
Wild Mallard x American Black Duck x Game-Farm Mallard
Mexican Duck x Game-Farm Mallard x Wild Mallard
Game-Farm Mallard x Wild Mallard x West Gulf Coast Mottled Duck
American Black Duck x Game-Farm Mallard
American Black Duck x Florida Mottled Duck
Mexican Duck x Wild Mallard
An emerging point of interest among scientists is the frequency and amount of game-farm mallard genetics that appear in the genome of harvested mallards.This graph shows the number of mallard samples; including wild, game-farm, and wild x game-farm hybrids; containing different percentages of wild mallard genetics. Individuals with ≥95% wild ancestry were considered genetically pure, while individuals with <95% wild mallard ancestry revealed from genetic analysis were considered hybrids. Essentially, this graph illustrates the relative distribution of pure wild mallards and wild x game-farm hybrids within our sample of “mallards” submitted to duckDNA during the 2023–24 pilot season*.
*Data depicted in this graph were not obtained from a truly random sample of harvested ducks during the 2023–24 season, and thus are not representative of the larger population of mallards in the United States.
Thanks to your overwhelming support, our 2024-25 season was an incredible success. At this time, our application portal is closed, but we anticipate reopening by August. Stay informed of the latest updates and future opportunities by providing your email address and following us on Instagram and Facebook.
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